Scientist Directory


Salk Institute for Biological Studies - Scientist Directory - Faculty


Nicola Allen, PhD

Associate Professor

Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

Nicola Allen, PhD

Kenta Asahina, PhD

Associate Professor

Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

Kenta Asahina, PhD

Janelle Ayres, PhD

Professor and Laboratory Head

Gene Expression Laboratory

Molecular and Systems Physiology Laboratory

NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Salk Institute Legacy Chair

Janelle Ayres, PhD

Eiman Azim, PhD

Associate Professor

Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

William Scandling Developmental Chair

Eiman Azim, PhD

Daniel Bayless, PhD

Assistant Professor

Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

Daniel Bayless
Daniel Bayless, PhD

Margarita Behrens, PhD

Research Professor

Computational Neurobiology Laboratory

Margarita Behrens, PhD

Wolfgang Busch, PhD


Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Integrative Biology Laboratory

Hess Chair in Plant Science

Wolfgang Busch, PhD

Edward Callaway, PhD


Systems Neurobiology Laboratory

Vincent J. Coates Chair in Molecular Neurobiology

Edward Callaway
Edward Callaway, PhD

Sreekanth Chalasani, PhD


Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

Jesse and Caryl Philips Foundation Chair

Sreekanth Chalasani, PhD

Joanne Chory, PhD

Professor and Director

Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Howard H. and Maryam R. Newman Chair in Plant Biology

Joanne Chory, PhD

Jesse Dixon, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Gene Expression Laboratory

Helen McLoraine Developmental Chair

Jesse Dixon
Jesse Dixon, MD, PhD

Joseph Ecker, PhD


Director, Genomic Analysis Laboratory

Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Salk International Council Chair in Genetics

Joseph Ecker, PhD

Dannielle Engle, PhD

Assistant Professor

Regulatory Biology Laboratory

Helen McLoraine Developmental Chair

Dannielle Engle
Dannielle Engle, PhD

Ronald Evans, PhD

Professor and Director

Gene Expression Laboratory

March of Dimes Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology

Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans, PhD

Rusty Gage, PhD


Laboratory of Genetics

Vi and John Adler Chair for Research on Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease

Rusty Gage
Rusty Gage, PhD

Martyn Goulding, PhD


Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

Frederick W. and Joanna J. Mitchell Chair

Martyn Goulding, PhD

Sung Han, PhD

Associate Professor

Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology

Pioneer Fund Developmental Chair

Sung Han
Sung Han, PhD

Diana Hargreaves, PhD

Associate Professor

Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Diana Hargreaves, PhD

Daniel Hollern, PhD

Assistant Professor

NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Frederick B. Rentschler Developmental Chair

Daniel Hollern
Daniel Hollern, PhD

Tony Hunter, PhD

American Cancer Society Professor

Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Renato Dulbecco Chair

Tony Hunter
Tony Hunter, PhD

Gerald Joyce, MD, PhD



Jack H. Skirball Center for Chemical Biology and Proteomics

Gerald Joyce, MD, PhD

Susan Kaech, PhD

Professor and Director

NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis


Susan Kaech
Susan Kaech, PhD

Jan Karlseder, PhD

Vice President, Chief Science Officer

Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Donald and Darlene Shiley Chair

Jan Karlseder, PhD

Agnieszka Kendrick, PhD

Assistant Professor

Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Aga Kendrick
Agnieszka Kendrick, PhD

Pallav Kosuri, PhD

Assistant Professor

Integrative Biology Laboratory

Hearst Foundation Developmental Chair

Pallav Kosuri
Pallav Kosuri, PhD

Julie Law, PhD

Associate Professor

Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Julie Law
Julie Law, PhD

Kuo-Fen Lee, PhD


Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology

Helen McLoraine Chair in Molecular Neurobiology

Kuo-Fen Lee, PhD

Dmitry Lyumkis, PhD

Associate Professor

Laboratory of Genetics

Hearst Foundation Developmental Chair

Dmitry Lyumkis, PhD

Pamela Maher, PhD

Research Professor

Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory

Pamela Maher
Pamela Maher, PhD

Graham McVicker, PhD

Associate Professor

Laboratory of Genetics

Integrative Biology Laboratory

Graham McVicker, PhD

Christian Metallo, PhD


Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Daniel and Martina Lewis Chair

Christian Metallo
Christian Metallo, PhD

Todd Michael, PhD

Research Professor

Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Todd Michael, PhD

Lena Mueller, PhD

Assistant Professor

Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory

Lena Mueller
Lena Mueller, PhD

Axel Nimmerjahn, PhD


Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Center

Françoise Gilot-Salk Chair

Axel Nimmerjahn, PhD

Joseph Noel, PhD

Professor and Director

Jack H. Skirball Center for Chemical Biology and Proteomics

Arthur and Julie Woodrow Chair

Joseph Noel, PhD

Clodagh O'Shea, PhD


Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Wicklow Chair

Clodagh O'Shea, PhD

Satchidananda Panda, PhD


Regulatory Biology Laboratory

Rita and Richard Atkinson Chair

Satchidananda Panda, PhD

Samuel Pfaff, PhD


Gene Expression Laboratory

Benjamin H. Lewis Chair

Samuel Pfaff, PhD

Deepshika Ramanan, PhD

Assistant Professor

NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Deepshika Ramanan
Deepshika Ramanan, PhD

John Reynolds, PhD


Systems Neurobiology Laboratory

Fiona and Sanjay Jha Chair in Neuroscience

John Reynolds
John Reynolds, PhD

Alan Saghatelian, PhD


Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology

Dr. Frederik Paulsen Chair

Alan Saghatelian, PhD

Terrence Sejnowski, PhD

Professor and Laboratory Head

Computational Neurobiology Laboratory

Francis Crick Chair

Terry Sejnowski
Terrence Sejnowski, PhD

Gerald Shadel, PhD


Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Audrey Geisel Chair in Biomedical Science
Director, San Diego-Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging

Gerald Shadel
Gerald Shadel, PhD

Tatyana Sharpee, PhD


Computational Neurobiology Laboratory

Integrative Biology Laboratory

Edwin K. Hunter Chair

Tatyana Sharpee, PhD

Reuben Shaw, PhD


Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

William R. Brody Chair

Reuben Shaw, PhD

Christina Towers, PhD

Assistant Professor

Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory

Richard Heyman and Anne Daigle Endowed Developmental Chair

Christina Towers
Christina Towers, PhD

Kay Tye, PhD


Systems Neurobiology Laboratory

Wylie Vale Chair

Kay Tye
Kay Tye, PhD

Ye Zheng, PhD


NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Becky and Ralph S. O'Connor Chair

Ye Zheng, PhD