Influxes (Jet-in-Air technology)
Optical Configuration (Influx-1)
Optical Configuration (ShadowFACS)
Optical Configuration (Kirin Influx)
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The Salk core has 3 state-of-the-art BD InfluxTM cell sorters. These are jet-in-air design instruments uniquely suited for isolating delicate cells, and for high-speed sorting. “Influx-1” is equipped with 5 lasers, 11 fluorescent detectors. “Kirin Influx” is equipped with 4 lasers, 16 fluorescent detectors. “ShadowFACS” is equipped with 4 lasers, 13 fluorescent detectors. Additionally, ShadowFACS is equipped with a forward scatter (FSC) pinhole assembly that facilitates detection of dim FSC signals when performing small particle analysis. All Influxes have biosafety enclosures that enable BSL2 rated sorts. Several features of the Influx (including flow cell characteristics and use of low-noise pre-amp electronics) come together to enable excellent detection sensitivity and stable high-throughput sorting, while maintaining the integrity and viability of sensitive cell types. It is also remarkably fast and accurate at sorting into 384-well plates (~3.5min/plate for highly abundant targets).
The Influx has several nozzle sizes (70, 86, 100, 140-um) available to accommodate a variety of particle sizes and can sort up to 6 populations simultaneously. Cells may be collected into a variety of tube types or multi-well plates (e.g. 384 well).

FACSAria Fusion (Fixed alignment cuvette)
Optical Configuration (Fusion)
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The BD Biosciences FACSAriaTM Fusion is a high-end cell sorter. The Salk’s Aria Fusion is from the Special Order Research Product (SORP) line, with air launched high power lasers. The Aria design integrates fully fixed stream and optical alignment with a patented quartz cuvette flow cell and optical gel-coupled optics. While geared towards high sensitivity, complex flow cytometry, it remains easy to use, controlled by the same Diva software used by other BD Biosciences analyzers in the core. It is configured with 13 fluorescence and 2 light scatter detectors. This instrument is equipped with a full enclosure Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet for sorting up to biosafety rating level BSL2.
The Aria Fusion has several nozzle sizes available (70, 85, 100, 130-um) to accommodate a variety of particle sizes and can sort up to 4 populations simultaneously. Cells may be collected into a variety of tube types or multi-well plates (e.g. 384 well).
CITING USAGE IN PUBLICATIONS: This instrument was acquired by a NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10) award along with additional funding support from Larry and Carol Greenfield Technology Fund. In addition to the Salk’s Cancer Center grant NIH-NCI CCSG: P30 014195, please reference S10-OD023689 for reporting the use of this sorter.