Salk Institute for Biological Studies - DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION - DISCOVER Program


Program Overview & Goals

The inaugural Salk Institute for Biological Sciences Symposium for a Diverse Inclusive Scientific Community Offering a Vision for an Ecosystem Reimagined (DISCOVER) in academic research is designed to discover diverse talent and build a supportive, collaborative, and inclusive community.

Future postdoctoral candidates will be invited to the Salk Institute to present their research, connect with other trainees, participate in various professional development workshops and panels, and network with potential Salk faculty advisors to facilitate mentor-mentee pairing opportunities across disciplines of biology, a format not typically found in traditional postdoctoral interview formats.

The DISCOVER program will consist of a two-day, all-expenses-paid program on April 23 - 24.

Eligibility Requirements

This opportunity is open to current PhD students, ideally those 1-2 years from starting their postdoctoral training.

PhD students who identify as underrepresented according to the NIH or consider themselves underrepresented in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact us at dei@salk.edu.